Warning for Ottawa and Mont Tremblant Women | |
TO ALL THE WOMEN THAT LIVE IN THE WHOLE CITY OF OTTAWA, ONTARIO AND QUEBEC. THE WARNING CONCERNS 61 YEAR OLD MAN WHICH RESIDES IN MONT TREMBLANT AND WORKED AS A SKI INSTRUCTOR FOR Snow School IN THE WINTER.Although he was fired several times ,The School was forced to re-hire him. The reason? Exactly the same that saved him from many other legal punishments in his life...charm and lies in the courtrooms It didn't help much..until now everybody on the hill calls him "crazy C." Not without reason. IN THE SUMMER TIME HE TAKES SOME RENOVATION JOBS IN OTTAWA. 6'1",BROWN-GRAY HAIR,BROWN EYES.HE IS AN UNBALANCED,NOTORIOUS AND REGISTERED ABUSER. THE LIST OF HIS VICTIMS DOES NOT STOP AT OTTAWA ALONE.HE IS A WOMEN COLLECTOR. HE HUNTS MOSTLY FOR OLDER, WELL OFF, INTELLIGENT WOMEN BUT THE AGE DOESN'T REALLY MATTER.THE PATTERN HE USES IS ALWAYS THE SAME AND SIMPLE; SEDUCTION, DOMINATION, PARASITISM, ASSAULT. TO FEEL SAFE, NEVER, BUT NEVER BE WITH HIM ALONE IN SOME ISOLATED PLACES. ALSO, IF YOU'LL SEE HIM ACTING OR TALKING STRANGELY, RUN AND CALL 911.IN A RAGE HE CAN ATTACK YOU ANYTIME WITHOUT THE SLIGHTEST SIGNAL. HE IS DISHONEST,CONTROLLING AND MANIPULATIVE IN THE EXTREME! PLEASE, PASS THIS WARNING ON TO YOUR FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS. He is a total waste of oxygen and the lowest of low of human beings. Any man that preys on a woman for financial support is a WANKER and LOSER. But he can be an universal man who can cure older,naive women from fat bank accounts.Systematically and painlessly. All they can get back from him is one of many STDs/STIs since he is having unprotected intimate contact with multiple women at the same time. Sugar mamma's mostly for free board and lodging . The worst creature you can meet in your life: pathological liar, paranoid delusionist,loathsome PsychoFreak, psychoqueutard , aggressive and abusive animal. Always tries to use every present woman as a revenge tool toward past ones. No education (not even a high school), no manners, no brain, no conscience. His breath is full of lies, hate and poison. If you want to find yourself in a deep cesspool soon, go for him. Please also check another Ad concerning this man: "Beware of this Canadian Gigolo" .............. Well,all his life he treated women as a dispensable pleasure and source of money, never expecting that one day HE will become a dispensable sick clown and his brilliant show in the circus will end fast and dramatically. Because he is nothing else but a deviated and warped missing link in Darwin's Theory of Evolution. A new prey showed up on the horizon of this dirty rotten scoundrel. Rich,sophisticated old widow with recognized name and connections. Known to him from years but unreachable.Until now. Maybe it's time to let her know about his gigolo history and shameful ,criminal life . Before she became his next sugar mama and next victim of his manipulations. ![]() | |
Target Prov.: All Provinces Target City : All Cities Last Update : Mar 11, 2025 1:56 PM Number of Views: 3682 | Item Owner : Penny Saver Contact Email: (None) Contact Phone: (None) |
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