Bsc psychology colleges in pune | Psychology Undergraduate Degree | |
Mental health disorders are usually viewed as an individual issue - this programme focuses on busting that myth by adopting a multi-disciplinary approach to mental health. It equips students to gain a thorough understanding of how life experiences, community, culture, law, the economic and political climate, environmental concerns, physical and mental health systems contribute to an individual's experience of mental health and mental illness across an individual's lifespan. Thereby, highlighting the need to integrate these factors in the management of mental illness. What differentiates this degree from existing ones such as a B.A. or B.Sc. in Psychology, Psychology Honours, Applied Psychology and others is the focus on building core competencies and skills. These include empathy, communication, negotiation, collaboration with different stakeholders, psychoeducation and drafting integrated management plans. Students will also be trained in mental health advocacy, awareness, and destigmatization. This allows students to choose upon graduation, whether they would like to join the workforce in different roles or continue their study in varied specialties of mental health around the world | |
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