Bible story. for everyone, help yourself online. Chapter 5 | |
Chapter 5 Question and Answer The Tower of Babel: 1. Question: What command did God give to Noah and his family after the flood? Answer: God commanded Noah and his family to be fruitful and multiply to replenish the earth. 2. Question: What was the reason behind God's command to Noah and his family? Answer: God wanted the earth to be filled with people with whom He could have a relationship, just as He desired with Adam and Eve. 3. Question: What language did the descendants of Noah have? Answer: The descendants of Noah all had one language. 4. Question: Where did the people travel to establish a civilization? Answer: The people traveled eastward to Shinar (modern-day Iraq) to establish a civilization where all humanity could live together. 5. Question: What did the people seek to achieve by gathering together in one place? Answer: They sought to establish a permanent home and build a stronger and more knowledgeable community by sharing their learning. 6. Question: What was the people's intention behind building the Tower of Babel? Answer: They wanted to build a tower to reach heaven and make a name for themselves, aspiring to be equal with God. 7. Question: What is the significance of the Tower of Babel story occurring about 100 years after the flood? Answer: Despite knowing God and His commands, the people still desired to elevate themselves to the level of God, akin to the temptation faced by Adam and Eve. 8. Question: What did the people desire, similar to the temptation faced by Adam and Eve? Answer: They desired to have the knowledge of God and elevate themselves to the same level as God. 9. Question: What does Romans chapter one say about the fallacy of trying to elevate oneself to the level of God? Answer: Romans chapter one speaks about how those who knew God became vain in their imaginations and changed the glory of God into images resembling corruptible man. 10. Question: Why did God decide to confound the language of the people at Babel? Answer: God confounded their language to prevent them from accomplishing their prideful goal of elevating themselves to the level of God and to scatter them across the earth as He originally intended. 11. Question: What was the name of the city the people abandoned? Answer: The city was called Babel in our Bibles, which means "the gate of God," but in Hebrew, it is "balal," meaning "confusion" or "mixing." 12. Question: What was God's desire for humanity despite their sinful nature? Answer: God desires to have a relationship with humanity and has given His Word so that we can understand how He has dealt with humanity in the past. 13. Question: How does God communicate with humanity according to the text? Answer: God communicates with humanity through His Word and has provided a way to lift us to His level through His Son. 14. Question: What is emphasized about humanity's inability to reach God through their own efforts? Answer: The text emphasizes that humanity cannot reach God through their own efforts or accomplishments; rather, it is through God's grace and His Son that we can have a relationship with Him. 15. Question: How does the story of the Tower of Babel relate to humanity's pride and desire for autonomy? Answer: The story illustrates humanity's pride and desire to elevate themselves to the level of God, ultimately leading to their dispersion and the confounding of their language by God. Get more from Asoquality on Patreon:- | |
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