Bible story. Questions and Answers. Good for everyone. Chapter 16 | |
The call of Moses: The Heroes # 1 :- chapter 16 Questions and Answers 1. Question: Where had Moses come to find grass for his sheep? Answer : The mountain of Hoʹreb. 2. Question: What unusual thing did Moses see at the mountain of Hoʹreb? **Answer:** A bush on fire that wasn’t burning up. 3. Question: What did Moses decide to do when he saw the burning bush? Answer: He decided to go closer and get a better look. 4. Question: What did the voice from the bush tell Moses to do? Answer: Do not come any closer and take off his sandals. 5. Question: Why did the voice tell Moses to take off his sandals? Answer: Because he was standing on holy ground. 6. Question: Who was speaking to Moses through the burning bush? Answer: God, by means of an angel. 7. Question: What did Moses do when he realized it was God speaking to him? Answer: He covered his face. 8. Question: What did God say he had seen regarding his people in Egypt? Answer: He had seen the suffering of his people. 9. Question: What did God say he was going to do for his people in Egypt? Answer: He was going to free them. 10. Question: Who did God choose to lead the people out of Egypt? Answer: Moses. 11. Question: To which land did God say he would bring his people? Answer: The beautiful land of Caʹnaan. 12. Question: What was Moses’ initial reaction to God’s command to lead the Israelites out of Egypt? Answer: He said, ‘I am nobody. How can I do this?’ 13. Question: What concern did Moses express about going to the Israelites? Answer: That the Israelites would ask him, “Who sent you?” 14. Question: What name did God tell Moses to use when the Israelites asked who sent him? Answer: ‘JEHOVAH the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob has sent me to you.’ 15. Question: What did Jehovah say about his name? Answer: ‘This is my name forever.’ 16. Question: What was Moses’ second concern about going to the Israelites? Answer: That they wouldn’t believe him. 17. Question: What did God ask Moses about the object in his hand? Answer: ‘What is in your hand?’ 18. Question: What was in Moses' hand? Answer: A stick. 19. Question: What happened when Moses threw the stick on the ground as God instructed? Answer: The stick became a snake. 20. Question: What was the first miracle God showed Moses to convince the Israelites? Answer: Turning the stick into a snake. 21. Question: What did God tell Moses to do with his hand for the second miracle? Answer: Put it inside his robe. 22. Question: What happened to Moses’ hand when he took it out of his robe? Answer: It was white like snow, as if it had leprosy. 23. Question: What did God say would happen when Moses performed the miracles before the Israelites? Answer: They would believe that God had sent him. 24. Question: Where did Moses go after speaking with God at the burning bush? Answer: He went home to Jethʹro. 25. Question: What did Moses ask Jethʹro? Answer: To let him go back to his relatives in Egypt to see how they are. 26. Question: What was Jethʹro's response to Moses’ request? Answer: He said good-bye to Moses. 27. Question: What did Moses do after Jethʹro said good-bye? Answer: He began his trip back to Egypt. 28. Question: What did Moses realize about his heritage before he left Egypt? Answer: That he was one of the Hebrews. 29. Question: How did God communicate with Moses through the burning bush? Answer: By means of an angel. 30. Question: What did God promise to bring his people to after freeing them from Egypt? Answer: The beautiful land of Caʹnaan. Thank you. For reading. I pray for more Grace of God upon your life in Jesus name Amen. For more from Asoquality:- | |
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