Bible story. Questions and Answers. Good for everyone. Chapter 12 | |
The rape of Jacob daughter Dinah: Family Dispute Resolution Questions and Answers 1. Question : - Who is Dinah's father? Answer : - Jacob. 2. Q : Who is Dinah's mother? A : - Leah. 3. Q : What did Shechem do to Dinah? A : - He raped her. 4. Q : How did Shechem feel about Dinah after the incident? A : - He loved her and spoke tenderly to her. 5. Q : What did Shechem ask his father Hamor to do? A : - He asked his father to get Dinah as his wife. 6. Q : What was Jacob's initial reaction to the news of Dinah’s defilement? A : - He did nothing until his sons came home from the fields. 7. Q : How did Jacob's sons react when they heard what happened to Dinah? A : - They were shocked and furious. 8. Q : What proposal did Hamor make to Jacob and his sons? A : - He proposed intermarriage, offering to settle, trade, and acquire property among them. 9. Q : What offer did Shechem make to Jacob and his sons to marry Dinah? A :- He offered to pay whatever bride price and gift they demanded. 10. Q : What condition did Jacob’s sons set for the marriage of Dinah to Shechem? A : - They required all the males in Shechem’s city to be circumcised. 11. Q : Did Hamor and Shechem agree to the condition set by Jacob’s sons? A : - Yes, they agreed. 12. Q : How did Hamor and Shechem persuade the men of their city to be circumcised? A :- They emphasized the benefits of intermarriage and economic integration with Jacob’s family . 13. Q : What was the reaction of the men of the city to the circumcision proposal? A : - They agreed and were circumcised. 14. Q : What did Simeon and Levi do three days after the men were circumcised? A : - They attacked the city and killed every male. 15. Q : Who did Simeon and Levi specifically kill? A : - They killed Hamor and Shechem. 16. Q : What did Simeon and Levi do after rescuing Dinah? A : - They left with her. 17. Q : What did the other sons of Jacob do following the attack? A : - They looted the city, taking flocks, herds, wealth, women, and children. 18. Q : What concern did Jacob express to Simeon and Levi after their actions? A : - He was concerned that their actions would bring trouble from the neighboring Canaanites and Perizzites. 19. Q : How did Simeon and Levi justify their actions? A : - They argued that their sister should not have been treated like a prostitute. 20. Q : Where did Hamor and Shechem discuss the agreement with the men of their city? A : - At the gate of the city. 21. Q : What economic benefits did Hamor and Shechem mention to persuade their people? A : - They mentioned that Jacob’s family’s livestock and property would become theirs. 22. Q : How did Shechem show his eagerness to marry Dinah? A : - He quickly agreed to circumcision and encouraged others to do the same. 23. Q : What did Jacob’s sons consider Shechem’s act with Dinah? A : - They considered it an outrageous act that should not have been done. 24. Q : What was Hamor’s argument for intermarriage with Jacob’s family? A :- He suggested that it would create mutual benefits and unity between the groups. 25. Q : What was the outcome for the men of Shechem’s city after the agreement? A : - They were circumcised and later killed by Simeon and Levi. 26. Q : What did Jacob fear would happen after Simeon and Levi’s actions? A : - He feared retribution from the neighboring tribes. 27. Q : How did the attack by Simeon and Levi affect their relationship with neighboring tribes? A : - It made Jacob’s family a target for potential retribution. 28. Q : What was the immediate effect of the circumcision on the men of the city? A : - They were in pain and vulnerable to attack. 29. Q :What did Jacob’s sons take from the city after the attack? A :- Livestock, wealth, women, and children. 30. Q : How did Jacob feel about the actions of Simeon and Levi? A : - He felt that they had brought trouble upon him and his household. Thank you, for reading. I pray for you, to know God more in Jesus name Get more from Asoquality:- | |
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