Why Practice Mindfulness | |
Mindfulness is a “practice of focusing the mind in the present moment, on purpose, and in a nonjudgemental way.” (A definition taken from Jon Kabat Zinn). Another way to put it is to say mindfulness is becoming aware, paying attention to what is happening right here and now without judging your experience. But how do we remove judgement from our experience? This was the hardest concept for me to truly learn and understand when I first learned about mindfulness back in 2004. What I now understand is that with everything we see, hear and experience, we have an opinion about; an interpretation we make to understand it from our own frame of reference. A nonjudgemental way, therefore, means becoming more clear about what is our own opinion, interpretation and understanding of the facts vs. what the objective facts are that might be seen, interpreted and experienced differently based on the eye of the beholder. The more one can become clear about what their subjective experience is of the present moment, the more they can become clear about how to detach their own interpretation of the moment and acknowledge the present, in a nonjudgemental way. | |
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