He does exist! (Communities - Education)

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Item ID 3918250 in Category: Communities - Education

He does exist!

*I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is.
*Those who assume they know all the answers are victims of their own delusion (deception).
*Does God exist? How you answer the question of God's existence will impact your relationship with others, your commitment to integrity, your attitude toward morality and your perception of truth. (Ravi Zacharias).
*Study the Bible like your soul depended on it.
*Read the instructions first; especially before all else fails. Where do you find those instructions? In the Bible.
*Do you want to read a best seller and get the best advice? Try the Bible.
*Herbert Hoover said, "The study of this Book (the Bible), is a post-graduate course in the richest library of human experience."
*"There's just one Book for life's gladness; One Book for the toilsome days; One Book that can cure life's madness; One Book that can voice life's praise. There's just one Book!"
*Prayer is not a substitute for reading the Word of God. When we pray, we talk to God. And when we read God's Word, He talks to us. Of the two, it is more important that God speak to us. First read the Word, then pray.
*"A glory gilds the sacred page, Majestic like the sun; It gives a light to every age; It gives, but borrows none!"
*Christians cannot grow without food. God's Word is the food. And it is a great day when "baby" learns to feed himself. Ask God to make you hungry for His Word. The more you read God's Word the more you will come to love It. As we read the Word of God, rejoice in His loving, all-wise will and trust Him, we will learn patience and receive comfort. The habit of reading God's Word daily will do more for the stability, purity, peace, joy and fruitfulness of the life of a Christian than any other one thing.
*Holy Bible, Book Divine, Precious Treasure, Thou are mine.
*God is the judge of man; not man the judge of God.
*The natural man must know in order to believe; the spiritual man must believe in order to know.

Target Prov.: All Provinces
Target City : All Cities
Last Update : Jul 30, 2024 8:37 AM
Number of Views: 58
Item  Owner  : Bobby Kane
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